
Latest News

New progress and a lot of new features coming up!

During the last few months, our time was focused on testing the platform robustness, stability and use. We had great feedback to work with and that helped us prioritise the most needed features. We are also now both dedicated full time to Spotimist which should speed things up and bring a lot of improvements! So, let's get right to it.

Multi-location is now live!

This has been a feature we knew was necessary from the beginning and probably one of the most challenging to implement, but it is now up and running. The multi-location feature allows businesses to manage the location based on the activity instead of the business. It will increase flexibility for roaming or multi-site organisers.

The mobile apps are up to date on IOS and Android.

The mammoth of the work and probably the slowest piece to get up there! The mobile app is the necessary tool we need and one of the most important for the future. There has been a lot of frustration based on the first version that was implemented. Development was too slow, too expensive and didn’t meet the necessary flexibility.
We took the matter into our own hands, rebuilt it from the ground up and set a proper foundation to it on both IOS and Android. The application is no longer limited to businesses and will now be useful for anyone.

  • Organisers will still be able to validate tickets with the QR scanner and soon manage their upcoming bookings.
  • Other users can use the app to view their upcoming activities and display a ticket to access it. This will avoid printing a piece of paper or dig into your emails to find your bookings.

  • The mobile app will keep growing on development to eventually become a complete app to find activities or to manage your business.

    Follow businesses

    This is the first approach to follow a business. In the future, following businesses will help you stay up to date with the organiser activities.

    Coming up! Passes!

    All this work opens the way to a new phase. We will now focus our development to fully manage passes. This is a feature we are really looking forward to implementing! Passes will be a token to access drop-in activities more easily where businesses can create discounted options for buying multiple access in advance without spending time managing reward cards. It will also be easier to pay for activities without looking for cash or queuing to pay. Just scan and go!

    Looking for organisers!

    It is time for us now to look for organisers and get going! Aside from development, we will be starting to expand our organiser base before we start promoting the platform. If you are, or know someone organising activities and would like to be on the platform, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us or to register directly. Listing yourself is FREE and will always be, also our booking fees will cost as much as using Paypal and less than EventBrite! Get Listed or ask us if you need any help doing so!

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