
Latest News

HobbyHop, passes and new organizers

When people are working on the same mission, union is the best solution to achievement. When we discovered that HobbyHop were trying to solve the same problems as spotimist, the first reaction was: oh no, competition! And then you realise that the best way is to say Hi and talk about your goals and what everyone is trying to achieve. In this process, we discovered two other great people who believe that there is a need for a unique platform for fun classes that people love and learn new skills and passions from. HobbyHop will help spotimist thanks to marketing knowledge gathered based on years of experience from the founders. We are grateful for the priceless advice acquired in this process.

Passes have been released

On another note and news, passes have been released and are in active testing. This is our solution to loyalty cards and the base work for managing tickets for workshops, monthly subscription and custom access. They can be accessed easily from the mobile app to be redeemed from the organizer.


We want to take the opportunity to welcome the new organizers who joined recently. We are thankful for the trust in joining spotimist at its earliest stage. Our focus will now be toward growing our organizers base before the beginning of the school year in September. This means no new feature in preparation for now, but more polishing the platform before resuming new features development.

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